Tuesday, November 13, 2012


   Yay,  my story made the front page of our paper!  They even posted a link to this blog.  I hope that more people will look here and know that the chip in money does not come to me.  It goes straight to LWB.  Grace and Hope has to be reset, but for now LWB is a great place to donate.  Or if you want to donate to Grace and Hope that would be great, Misty needs money to stay in foster care.  Please donate to them and tell them Narissa sent you and they will send you my thank you. If you are looking to help others smile one of these places or MA Eye and Ear Hospital curing kids are great places to go.
    My sad news is that my counter is at 1925 and only 4 people have donated to LWB.  WHY?  Please know that so many babies NEED YOU.  Please join me and help   love Narissa

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